Tag Archives: health benefits

Donate To A Local Animal Shelter By Walking Your Dog and This Free App From Woof Trax

ID-100372507You can help your local animal shelter by talking your dog out for a walk. Wooftrax.com has a program called “Walk for a Dog” with a free App you put on your Smartphone (Woof Trax App) that calculates your walk from start to finish and donates money to your local shelter. The money is from advertisers and investors with no out of pocket for you. According to the Wooftrax website there have been “5,500,000 walks (and counting) have been taken for over 6,000 shelters in all 50 states!”

You can take your dog around the block or for a few miles, the more your walk the bigger the donation will be. Also you could visit your local animal shelter and volunteer to take one of those adorable dogs out for some fresh air and be double donating…

There are heath benefits not only you but your dog too. According to PetMd.com exercise keeps your dog “healthy, agile, and limber” and great for their digestive system.

Check out these Top Ten Health Benefits Walking Provides Your Pet .

Do you have an animal shelter? See how you can get listed on the app as a beneficiary.


Photo Courtesy of Tina Phillips at FreeDigitalPhotos.net